The adventures of the waste vegetable oil powered school bus RV conversion named Bernard. Created by Bob and Roth in 2007. Currently crewed by bob and roth on a mission to explore America, ourselves, and life in general.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

cruisin' smelly-style

well, the tour is going great so far. Skiffle and Tiny Ensemble were recorded for in an amazing in-house studio by atlanta's coolest sound engineer, we found a ton of veggie oil in GA and SC, and we've had just about the perfect amount of leisure time so far. right now we're parked in front of the Dripolator in my favorite little North Cackalackey town, Black Mountain. if you're here in town and see this, feel free to knock on the Bernard's door and say hello, and be sure to come by the open mic tonight at the Watershed, right by the bus, where you'll have a chance to see one or more of: HARPER Sublette, SKIFFLE, jesuschryslersupercar, CATS in the BasementMAID Mosephine, and Tiny Ensemble! it's gonna be the F'n S!! WOO!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bob this is Mikael Cramer from Icicle. Pleasure gettin to know you this summer. I remembered you told me about your blog about bernard so I had to check it all out. Looks like a real genuine hoot of a time. Hopefully me and phil hit the road soon and our journeys will cross paths again. my email is Let me know how your doin if you get a chance.
